After a lot of thinking i finally decided to start a weekly project series. And i think starting with freecodecamp curriculum will be best.
I chose freecodecamp because it has best curriculum roadmap for anyone who want to learn to code or want to build some projects to create a portfolio of projects.
Thousands of people have got jobs doing freecodecamp exercise and projects. So many people got jobs even before they got their front-end certification.
I know many people in chingu cohort as well who got jobs doing freecodecamp projects. And i read many stories of people getting jobs in chingus weekly posts on medium.
I personally follow freecodecamp. I am a freecodecamper since a long time but i was working on & off so i still need to complete few projects in order to get front-end certificate.
I first did front-end section on freecodecamp and then started doing backend section because Node.js was required in the internship that i did with speedbox.
So i wasn’t able to complete all the front-end certification projects. I also did some of the React.js projects.
But now the focus is to get front-end certificate first.
I am starting this project series for those who don’t know where to start. Don’t worry you are not alone.
Why weekly project series?
I know you might be thinking that one week of time is too much and instead of doing one project why not 2-3 projects in a week?
It is because of time constraints and i will try to do it as early as possible. Also i will be uploading a video on Youtube while building the project.
I decided one project a week because i think it is easily achievable goal for anyone even those who are doing job.
And also some people get demotivated if they are not able to do it in time. So i will be doing 1 in a week.
And if you have more time then work on the freecodecamp exercises and algorithm section because i will be posting article on how to do projects.
Codecademy is also a good resource to learn basics or practice your HTML, CSS and Javascript.
The first project article will be published this Monday 27th November. And new article will be posted on every Monday.
You can either read the article here on website or just watch Youtube video on how i am building the project.
What the article will consist of?
I will be posting one article a week. It will have a detailed tutorial on how to build the project.
Everything will be covered from initial setup to development, pushing code to github and deploying the project on github pages as well to make live.
I will try to explain each and every part of the project because what is the meaning of doing a project when you don’t know how it works.
I will follow the best practices that i know. You will understand how to start any project from scratch.
Who should join me?
A lot of my friends were asking me saying i have done exercises on freecodecamp but don’t know how should i start working on front-end projects. So if you are also feeling the same OR want to follow this journey then join me.
Join me IF
You want to improve your web development skills.
You are new to web development, you learnt basics but don’t know how to start with projects.
You want to complete freecodecamp front-end certification.
You want to build some projects to showcase and build your portfolio.
What are you waiting for?
I am starting with freecodecamp front-end intermediate projects. It has total 4 projects.
- Build a Random Quote Machine
- Show The Weather App
- Build a Wikipedia Viewer
- Use Twitch.Tv JSON API.
Once I am done with this then I will start working on the Advanced Projects which also consist of 4 projects.
- Build a Javascript Calculator
- Build a Pomodoro Clock
- Build a Tic Tac Toe game
- Build a Simon Game.
How the success looks like?
After this you will have completed the projects and have some projects under your belt to showcase and We will build a portfolio website just after the completion of front-end certification.
And once you finish more projects you can keep adding these projects in your portfolio.
You will have an online presence as a developer and people can see live what you have done. You will build a portfolio on github as well by pushing your code to github.
You can show these projects to potential employers. And i know having a good github profile also helps a lot to newbie developers.
I am doing one project a week but you can do more than one if you have time.
Where to go once you complete this?
There are many more free online resources to continue our learning. Many will want to start backend development and some will want to finish freecodecamp data visualization first and then do backend certification.
But first let’s achieve this goal. Then we will see what to start next.
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